Ritesh Sharma
Postdoctoral Research Associate,
The Institute for Robotics and Autonomy,
The University of Tulsa
Oklahoma, United States
riteshsharmacs (at) gmail (dot) com
Ritesh Sharma

01.05.2025Paper titled "Reconfigurable Machine Learning Tool for Image-based Bridge Inspection and Management" appeared at 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2025.
12.09.2024Joined as Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Institute for Robotics and Autonomy at the University of Tulsa.
09.17.2024 Paper titled "Benchmarking YOLOv8 for Optimal Crack Detection in Civil Infrastructure" is accepted for publication at 104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2025.
01.01.2024Joined as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Intelligent Infrastructure in Missouri University of Science & Technology.
11.22.2023Paper titled "Formation-Aware Planning and Navigation with Corridor Shortest Path Maps" is accepted for publication at CGF Journal.
11.03.2023Sucessfully defended my thesis research on "Navigation Structures for Flows, Formations and Decision Making".
10.12.2023US Patent titled "System and method for automatic floorplan generation" is now published.
10.11.2023Paper titled "Computing and Analyzing Decision Boundaries from Shortest Path Maps" is accepted for publication at Computer & Graphics Journal.
06.15.2023One of my collaborative work is now accepted as a full paper at Building Simulation 2023 proceedings.
05.22.2023Joined Amazon Robotics as an Applied Scientist II Co-op starting Summer 2023.
05.03.2023Paper titled "Automatic Digitization and Orientation of Scanned Mesh Data for Floor Plan and 3D Model Generation" is conditionally accepted at CGI 2023 proceedings.
05.02.2023Paper titled "Spatially Distributed Lane Planning for Navigation in 3D Environments" is accepted for publication at CAVW Journal.
04.01.2023Paper titled "Spatially Distributed Lane Planning for Navigation in 3D Environments" is conditionally accepted at CASA, 2023.
09.10.2022Paper titled "Structure-Preserving Editing of Plates and Volumes for Laser Cutting" was accepted for publication at ACM SCF, 2022
04.25.2022Joined as an intern at Dolby Laboratories Inc. to work on topics related to 3D reconstuction for video
04.29.2022Passed my PhD Thesis proposal and I am a PhD candidate now

04.15.2022Presented research on Navigation Structures for Flows, Formations and Decision Boundaries at UC Merced EECS Seminar 2022

02.03.2022Joined as Visiting Researcher at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC, A Xerox Company)

05.24.2021Joined as Research Intern at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC, A Xerox Company) for Summer 2021

10.16.2020Paper titled "Plane-Based Local Behaviors for Multi-Agent 3D Simulations with Position-Based Dynamics" was conditionally accepted at IEEE AIVR, 2020

05.15.2020Joined as Visiting PhD Researcher under the supervision of Professor Patrick Baudisch at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany

04.24.2020Poster Paper titled "Data Driven Multihazard Risk Visualization" accepted for EuroVis 2020

03.29.2020Poster Paper accepted for ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2020 (I3D), San Francisco

03.26.2020Received Spring 2020 EECS Bobcat Travel Fellowship Award

03.07.2020Poster Paper titled "Integrating Local Collision Avoidance with Shortest Path Maps" accepted for Eurographics 2020

08.02.2019Accepted as Student Volunteer at ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019, November 16th-November 21st, Brisbane, Australia

05.13.2019Received Travel Award for NSF funded SOCG, 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA

04.29.2019Accepted as Student Volunteer at ACM SIGGRAPH 2019,July 28th- August 1st, Los Angeles, USA

04.01.2019Elected as Secretary of the Merced Indian Graduate Student Association(MIGSA) at University of California, Merced

03.19.2019Received Summer 2019 EECS Bobcat Fellowship

03.07.2019Accepted as Student Volunteer at Eurographics 2019,May 6th-10th, Genoa, Italy

03.01.2019Received Spring 2019 EECS Bobcat Travel Fellowship Award

08.15.2018Joined PhD Program in EECS at University of California, Merced

05.08.2017Joined as Senior Graphics Programmer at Passur Aerospace Inc., Orlando, Florida

03.13.2017Paper titled "Force-directed layout of origin-destination flow maps" accepted for IJGIS

03.08.2017Defended M.S thesis on "Interactive Design and Transition Point Analysis of 3D Linear Symmetric Tensor Fields"

02.28.2017Paper titled "Maximum Number of Transition Points in 3D Linear Symmetric Tensor Fields" accepted for TOPOVIS 2017

08.11.2017Paper titled "Design principles for origin-destination flow maps" accepted for journal of CGIS

12.05.2016Paper titled "Feature surfaces in symmetric tensor fields based on eigenvalue manifold" invited for presentation at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016

10.27.2016Paper titled "Feature surfaces in symmetric tensor fields based on eigenvalue manifold" invited for presentation at IEEEVIS WEEK 2016

04.04.2016Joined as an Intern in Mathematica Algorithm R&D team, Wolfram Research Inc., Champaign, Illinois

03.01.2016Paper titled "Feature surfaces in symmetric tensor fields based on eigenvalue manifold" accepted at IEEE TVCG

I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute for Robotics and Autonomy at the University of Tulsa, where I investigate robotic navigation, perception, and manipulation tasks for assistive robots in senior care. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Intelligent Infrastructure at Missouri University of Science and Technology, where I focused on large-scale 3D reconstruction of civil infrastructure, microscopic defect detection and segmentation, and sensor integration. My work aimed to enhance bridge inspection capabilities through drones, computer vision, and machine learning.

I hold a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Merced. During my PhD, I worked on AI path planning in 2D and 3D spaces for multi-agent navigation and visualization of navigation strategies for diverse scenarios, under the supervision of Professor Marcelo Kallmann. My collaborative efforts, both in industry and academia, have resulted in impactful research spanning geometry modeling for HVAC systems, laser-cut modeling, scene reconstruction, novel view synthesis, and path planning in large warehouse settings with a focus on uncertain obstacles. Before joining UC Merced, I worked as a Senior Graphics Programmer at Passur Aerospace Inc. I hold a master's degree in Computer Science from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University, where I was advised by Professor Eugene Zhang. The title of my master's thesis was "Interactive Design and Transition Point Analysis of 3D Linear Symmetric Tensor Fields.". My areas of interest are Computer Graphics, Animation, Robotics, Geometry Processing, Computational Geometry, Scientific Visualization, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning Algorithms.

Research Collaborators: Professor Tomer Weiss, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

I am always looking for interesting research opportunities or collaborations, contact me if you have an interesting position or collaboration ideas.


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science,
University of California Merced, California, United States
August 2018 - December 2023

Master of Science in Computer Science,
Oregon State University, Oregon, United States
January 2014 - March 2017

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering,
Siliguri Institute of Technology,
West Bengal University of Technology, West Bengal, India
August 2006 - June 2010


Note: These publications are shared to promote timely access to scholarly work. Copyright remains with the authors and respective holders. Please respect copyright restrictions.

Reconfigurable Machine Learning Tool for Image-based Bridge Inspection and Management

Kevin Liu, Ritesh Sharma, Mohammad Hossein Afsharmovahed, Zhenhua Shi, Genda Chen
104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, January 2025

Benchmarking YOLOv8 for Optimal Crack Detection in Civil Infrastructure

Woubishet Zewdu Taffese, Ritesh Sharma, Mohammad Hossein Afsharmovahed, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Genda Chen
104th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, January 2025

Formation-Aware Planning and Navigation with Corridor Shortest Path Maps

Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss and Marcelo Kallmann
Computer Graphics Forum 2024

Computing and Analyzing Decision Boundaries from Shortest Path Maps

Ritesh Sharma and Marcelo Kallmann
Computer & Graphics 2023
[To Appear at the 17th Annual ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games (MIG) 2024]

Automatic Digitization and Orientation of Scanned Mesh Data for Floor Plan and 3D Model Generation

Ritesh Sharma, Eric A. Bier, Lester Nelson, Mahabir Bhandari and Niraj Kunwar
Computer Graphics International 2023

Sensorium: Commissioning Abundant Sensors with Augmented Reality and QR Codes

Eric A. Bier, Saman Mostafavi, Lester D. Nelson, Alejandro E. Brito, Raman Goyal, Shamus Li, Ritesh Sharma, Mahabir S. Bhandari and Niraj Kunwar
Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA

Spatially Distributed Lane Planning for Navigation in 3D Environments

Ritesh Sharma and Marcelo Kallmann
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 2023
[Appeared at the proceedings of Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) 2023]
[Project] [Video][Paper]

Structure-Preserving Editing of Plates and Volumes for Laser Cutting

Thijs Roumen, Ingo Apel, Thomas Kern, Martin Taraz, Ritesh Sharma, Ole Schlueter, Jeffrey Johnson, Dominik Meier, Conrad Lempert, Patrick Baudisch
ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication 2022

Plane-Based Local Behaviors for Multi-Agent 3D Simulations with Position-Based Dynamics

Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss, Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (IEEE AIVR) 2020

3D Behaviors for Multi-Agent Simulations with Position-Based Dynamics

Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss, Marcelo Kallmann
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2020 - Posters

Integrating Local Collision Avoidance with Shortest Path Maps

Ritesh Sharma, Renato Farias, Marcelo Kallmann
Eurographics 2020 - Posters, The Eurographics Association

Data Driven Multi-Hazard Risk Visualization

Ritesh Sharma, Ayme Tomson, Emilio Lobato, Marcelo Kallmann, Lace Padilla
EuroVis 2020 - Posters, The Eurographics Association
[Video][Paper][Live Demo]

Force-directed layout of origin-destination flow maps

Bernhard Jenny, Daniel M. Stephen, Ian Muehlenhaus, Brooke E. Marston, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, Helen Jenny
Internaional Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS), 2017

Maximum Number of transition points in a 3D Linear Symmetric Tensor Fields

Yue Zhang, Lawrence Roy, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang
Topology Based Methods in Visualization (TopoInVis) 2017

Design Principles for Origin-destination Flow Maps

Bernhard Jenny, Daniel M. Stephen, Ian Muehlenhaus, Brooke E. Marston, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, Helen Jenny
Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS), 2016

Feature Surfaces in Symmetric Tensor Fields Based on Eigenvalue Manifold

Jonathan Palacios, Harry Yeh, Wenping Wang, Yue Zhang, Robert S. Laramee, Ritesh Sharma, Thomas Schultz, Eugene Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2016
Also featured at ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 and IEEEVIS 2016

3D visualization of global ocean circulation

Victoria Nelson, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, Andreas Schmittner, Bernhard Jenny
AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, CA, Dec 18, 2015

Automatic Flow map creation using a force-directed layout

Daniel Stephen, Bernhard Jenny, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, Ian Muehlenhaus
North American Cartographic Information Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 15, 2015

Virtual Laboratory: An alternative approach to Urban Transportation Systems Planning Lab

Ritesh Sharma, Shital S. Jadhav, Debabrata Tripathy, Harshala V. Sardar, Gopal R. Patil
Transportation Research Board, 93rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, January 12-16, 2014


System and Method for Automatic Floorplan Generation
Inventor: Eric A. Bier & Ritesh Sharma
US Patent App. 18/297,506

Interactive Design and Transition Point Analysis of 3D Linear Symmetric Tensor Fields

3D symmetric tensor fields have a wide range of applications, such as in solid and fluid mechanics, medical imaging, meteorology, molecular dynamics, geophysics and computer graphics. There has been much research carried out in this field, yet our knowledge of the tensor field is still at its initial stage to completely understand the behavior of 3D linear tensor fields. To understand the behavior and to design such applications, topology plays an important role. The degenerate points are the most studied topological feature of symmetric tensor fields. Though several attempts have been made to understand such features, still none of them seems to be complete. In this work, we provide an interactive interface to study such features. We also study the maximum number of transition points in a linear tensor field and classification of wedge and trisector along the degenerate curves. Finally, we provide an insight over the upper and lower bound on the number of transition points in a linear tensor field. This work is also a part of my MS thesis.

Degenerate patterns

Interactive User Interface

RendermanLink: Interface between Wolfram's Mathematica and Pixar's Renderman

In this project, I built a software package in C to connect Wolfram's Mathematica with Pixar's Renderman.The main aim of this project is to utilize the rendering power of Renderman Engine to produce a high resolution images without being concerned with the syntax used for Renderman API ie., the user with just a knowledge of Wolfram Language can generate high resolution images in no time. This work was part of my internship at Wolfram Research Inc. in their Mathematica Algorithm R&D department.

Script in Mathematica Editor


Unsignalized T-intersection Simulation

In this project, I worked under the supervision of Professor Gopal R. Patil) created a simulation to showcase the actual movement of vehicle on an unsignalized T-Intersection using Cellular Automata technique. This simulaton serves the purpose of training student (pursuing transportation engineering) for an actual survey or data collection.

Class Project

Pool Game Animation [Code]

Smoke Visualization

Realtime crowd simulation

3D Voronoi Diagram

Predictive Modeling of Flood Susceptibility, Phase 1

More details

Bunny sketch using Curvature Tensor

Bird Call Identification using Content Based Image Retrieval(Report)

More projects related to Geometry Processing and Computer Graphics(See more)

Research Experience

Dec 2024 - Present
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute for Robotics and Autonomy
The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Description: Investigating topics related to assistive robots
Mentor: Dr. Rose Gamble

Jan 2024 - Dec 2024
Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Intelligent Infrastructure
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri
Description: Investigated topic related to 3D reconstruction, AI driven robotics and intelligent infrastructure inspection.
Mentor: Dr. Genda Chen

May 2023 - Dec 2023
Applied Scientist II Co-op
Path Planning and Navigation
Amazon Robotics, Westborough, Massachusetts
Description: Investigated topic related to path planning for warehouse robots considering uncertain obstacles.
Mentor: Dr. Marcelo Kallmann
Manager: Sowmya Kompella

May 2022 - Aug 2022
Visual Coding Intern
Advanced Technology Group (Imaging)
Dolby Laboratories, Sunnyvale, California
Description: Investigated topics related to 3D reconstruction and scene representation.
Manager: Vijay Kamarshi

Visiting Researcher(Feb 2022 - May 2022)
Research Intern(May 2021 - August 2021, Dec 2021- Jan 2022)
System Sciences Lab
Palo Alto Research Center Inc., A Xerox Company, Palo Alto, California
Description: Process and analyze mesh geometry (obtained using microsoft hololens) to detect interior features of multi-level buildings and reconstruct clutter-free models using machine learning algorithms.
Mentor: Dr. Eric Bier

May 2019 - Dec 2020
Graduate Student Researcher,
Computer Graphics Lab
University of California Merced
Description: Research on Computer Graphics, Path planning and Navigation in higher dimensional space.
Advisor: Professor Marcelo Kallmann

May 2020 - August 2020
PhD Researcher(Intern),
Human Computer Interaction Lab
Hasso-Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Description: Investigating on geometry interaction related to laser cutting.
Advisor: Professor Patrick Baudisch

March 2014 - Dec 2016
Graduate Research Assistant,
Computer Graphics and Visualization Group
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Description: Interactive Design and Analysis of 3D Symmetric Linear Tensor Fields, improved techniques for tensor field topologies(such as feature surfaces and degenerate curves) extraction.
Advisor: Professor Eugene Zhang

October 2010 - December 2013
Research Assistant,
Transportation Systems Engineering Group
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Description: Developed an accurate, reliable and autodidactic web-based virtual laboratory
Principal Investigator: Professor Gopal R. Patil, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

Professional Experience

May 2017 - August 2018
Senior Graphics Programmer,
Passur Aerospace Inc., Orlando, Florida, USA
Description: Working on rendering and visualization of flight tracking system.
Manager: Matt Marcela and Mike Trujillo

April 2016 - August 2016
Intern, Mathematica Algorithm R&D
Wolfram Research Inc., Champaign, Illinois, USA
Description: Developed software package to connect Wolfram's Mathematica with Pixar's Renderman,Software package testing for geometry primitives, plot functions and other functionalities used for 3D Printing.
Manager: Dr. Charles Pooh, Manager, Discrete Compuatation, Wolfram Research Inc, USA

Teaching Experience

August 2018 - May 2023
Teaching Assistant,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Merced, California
Courses: Introduction to Computing I: Java (CSE 020), Advanced Programming (CSE 024), Data Structures (CSE 030), Algorithm Design and Analysis (CSE 100), Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (CSE 165) ,Computer Graphics (CSE 170)

January 2014 - March 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Courses:Analysis of Algorithm(CS 325), Introduction to Databases(CS 340),Opertaing Systems I(CS 344) and Translators(CS 480)

August 2021
Teaching Assistant,
Summer Geometry Institute 2021
Organized by Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • UC Merced Spring 2023 EECS USAP Travel Award

  • UC Merced GRAD EXCEL Peer Mentorship Award 2020-2021 & 2021-2022

  • UC Merced Spring 2020 EECS Bobcat Travel Award

  • Travel Fellowship for NSF funded SOCG 2019, Portland, Oregon

  • UC Merced Summer 2019 EECS Bobcat Fellowship

  • UC Merced Spring 2019 EECS Bobcat Travel Award

  • Graduate Assistantship (Full tuition & Stipend) at University of California Merced (2018-2023)

  • Graduate Assistantship (Full tuition & Stipend) at Oregon State University (2014-2017)

  • Honorary Citizenship of Corvallis, Oregon for contributions and achievements at Oregon State University by the mayor of city of Corvallis, Oregon, United States

Research Talks

  • Navigation Structures for Flows, Formations and Decision boundaries at EECS Spring 2022 Seminar Series, University of California Merced, CA, USA

Journal/Proceedings Reviewer

  • Robotics: Science and Systems 2020 & 2024

  • IEEE TVCG 2023 & 2024

  • IEEE VIS 2021, 2022 & 2023

  • EuroVIS 2022, 2023 & 2024

  • IEEE PACIFIC VIS 2022 & 2024

  • ACM MIG 2019, 2020 & 2021

  • CASA 2019, 2020, & 2023

  • ICAPS 2019


  • Member of DEI and Accessibility subgroup for SIGGRAPH Research Career Development Committee

  • Peer mentored nine first year PhD students under UC Merced GRAD-EXCEL Peer Mentor Program for the academic year 2020-2021 & 2021-2022

  • Served as the Secretary of the Merced Indian Graduate Student Association (MIGSA) at University of California Merced for the academic year 2019-2020

  • Served as Student Volunteer at ACM SIGGRAPH 2019,July 28th- August 1st, Los Angeles, USA

  • Mentored a senior undergraduate student under REU (Research Experience for Undergraduate) Program during Summer 2015, funded by NSF.

  • Poster Presentation on Mode Surface Extraction Using A-Patches at Engineering Research Expo held at Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, Mar 4, 2015.

  • Active member of technical and scientific committee in the International conference for Transportation Planning and Methodologies for Developing Countries(TPMDC), 2012 at IIT Bombay.

  • Active member of organising committee in National Conference, InTranSe 2011, Conducted by CDAC, Trivandrum at IIT Bombay.

  • Awarded a certificate of merit by Howrah Municipal Corporation for securing highest marks in Secondary School Examination in the entire ward(a small divsion of a city).

  • Lead the school quiz team upto top 8 schools in the QUEST, a Science Quiz competition conducted by Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Kolkata.

  • Won 2nd position in the Kolkata chapter of All Bengal SPELLinc Competition, 2003 and led team to Grand Finale of All Bengal SPELLinc Competition, 2003.

  • Won 2nd position in the Quiz Contests conducted by Society of Human Growth, Kolkata and Salkia Bharat Sangha, Howrah in the year, 2002.

  • Won 3rd position in the Drawing competition conducted by Kolkata Traffic Police during Road Safety Week, 2001.

  • Wrote poems for the school magazine and the poem named A Land called India was published in the Hindustan Times(one of the leading newspaper in India).

  • Participated in two day workshop on "ASTRONOMY FOR ENGINEERS" conducted by Department of Engineering Sciences and Humanities, Siliguri Institute of Technology.

© Ritesh Sharma